Friday 24 December 2010

Blue Valentine

Ryan Gosling, Michelle Williams. Director: Derek Cianfrance (various documentaries). Written by Derek Cianfrance, Joey Curtis (two things I've never heard of) and Cami Delavigne.

If you're going to see one independent arthouse film with great performances and hand-held photography don't see Somewhere, see this, it looks a lot better as far as high-tedium-risk low-budget flicks go. The story of the rise and fall of a marriage, the really interesting thing about Blue Valentine is that it was shot six years apart, and we intercut between the beginning of a relationship and its end. Hard to see how that'll leave a warm and fuzzy feeling, but Irreversible managed it, so it's always possibly no matter what the subject might be.

Will I see this? Of course I won't. But if for some reason I do end up seeing it, on TV when the remote is out of my reach, for example, I suspect I'll quite like it.

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